Hydrotherapy with salt water is indicated for relaxation, prevention, treatment and recovery.
Therapeutic indications for diseases:
Hydrotherapy is simply defined as the use of water for therapeutic purposes. It is probably one of the oldest and most effective therapies. Roman baths were known for their well-being. Hydrotherapy with salt water is indicated in the following conditions:
For children:
Contraindications to salt baths:
Salt generally has no contraindications in external cures, being a physiological component of the human body. During the salt bath, a small amount of water and salt passes through the pores of the skin, and accumulates in the deposits of subcutaneous minerals, another part will enter the body through the respiratory tract. Na ion (a component of salt) is a very important element that is used in the body's economy. Any transfer of substances between its cells and the peri-cellular space is done in the presence of Na ion and water.
If salt has no contraindications in external belts, instead hot water, it has. These are: the acute phase of any disease, infectious and venereal diseases, cancer, repeated and abundant bleeding, pregnancy and lactation, mental illness and epilepsy, cardiovascular disease (hypertension with values greater than 200 mm Hg, conditions after stroke, myocardial infarction, thrombophlebitis, advanced atherosclerosis), ovarian cyst, uterine fibroids.
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